Ceramic altarpieces with a pious theme have been part of the streets of Agres for centuries. Fortunately, and despite the time that has passed since they were placed, they are still preserved.
These ceramics are located in a preferential place on the facades of some houses situated at the height of the main floor and fitted into what is called “Hornacinas”, sometimes provided with a rotating hook that allowed a lantern to be hung with which to illuminate the image during the night. The size of the compositions is very varied but mainly they are panels that are formed by a certain number of square pieces of 20 to 22 cm side.
The images represented are framed by borders, called “rocalla1” or rococo border, outlined with a thick line of manganese that delimits the wide chromatic range in which, with ochre, yellow, green, sienna, purple and blue tones, they combine and give the pieces a beautiful attraction. In them we can find iconographic representations of the patterns of the Village and of the homonymous Saints of the streets where they are found. In some ceramic altarpieces the year of the realization is indicated, as well as the epigraphs that indicate the name of the Saint or the person who paid for the panel.
- Sant Josep
- Santíssima Trinitat, Sant Francesc i Santa Clara d’Assís
- Verge del Castell d’Agres
- La Pietat
- Sant Francesc, Crist i la Verge
- Sant Carles Borromeu and Sant Bartolomé Apòstol
- Sant Antoni de Pàdua
- Santiago “Matamoros”
- Sant Miquel Arcàngel
- Sant Caietà i Verge amb fill
- Sants Abdó i Senen
- Sant Antoni de Pàdua
- Calvari
- Convent
- Sant Joaquim i Verge “Xiqueta”